A promise on Promise day

In Our life, we takes lots of promises ,some we do and some we don’t but the reason behind was our selfishness.
This is not only a saga but also a message to everyone.
This story has started from the fresher’s day celebration in the L. COLLEGE, every college had a popular face and this college also had a popular boy ‘AVIAN’, AVIAN was a genuine, swaggy and cool nature type guy who was popular among girls and every girl wanted him as their partner.

AVIAN was a flirt handsome hunk who was not more than a dream boy for Girls, his mother was a house wife and his father was a BUSINESS MAN. AVIAN did whatever he wanted to do and somewhere he was good for nothing for his family, he was a good student but he didn’t know his goals.
AVIAN was living in th hostel because he wanted to enjoy the hostel life. 1st February 2014, FRESHERS’ DAY, there were so many students took admission in the L. COLLEGE of science and commerce, everyone was excited to meet new people whereas AVIAN was The G. S. of the COLLEGE so he had the duty to welcome new students. AVIAN also had a performance where he sang the friendship song for all freshers’ students.

AVIAN was performing and everyone was like cheering him up but in the mean time a girl entered the hall lately who’s also a fresher, her name was DIPA, DIPA was a small town girl who wanted to be a popular face of the COLLEGE in anyhow.

She was not only looking cute but also had a dazzling look. When she entered the hall, everyone was staring at er and she was kinda happy and standing with some girls watching AVIAN’s performance and those girls who were standing with start gossiping about AVIAN by saying AVIAN is so cute, I wish he is mine. DIPA in the same time ask everything about AVIAN so that she could shake her hand with AVIAN easily.
After that, she wanted to talk with AVAIN but AVIAN was a senior so he was not available, but one day when AVAIN was working on the college lab, DIPA entered and start talking with him through her eyes and AVIAN on the other side, he first time saw DIPA and got attracted to her but that time AVIAN was on trouble so he didn’t even spoke a single word with her and left the lab, DIPA got upset with him and AVIAN did realized and next day in the playground, when DIPA was sitting alone on the bench, AVIAN came with his guitar and sang a song for her saying sorry and DIPA got impressed and gave a big smile to him. AVIAN start a conversation with her.
DIPA: Hello!
AVIAN: I am sorry for the previous day.
DIPA: You should, I wanted to talk but you didn’t even give me a damn.
AVIAN: I was busy so I failed to say Hi.
DIPA: why?
AVIAN: I forgot to submit the biology practical So I had to submit the day before in any cause. And, thats why, I left the lab immediately.
DIPA:Oh! then, its okay.
AVIAN:Hope you understand.
DIPA: Yeah! I do…
After having a long conversation, AVIAN left the place for the class and some friends of DIPA came near to DIPA and start teasing her like woah! You are a friend of AVIAN. And, DIPA proudly replied YES! he is my friend.
AVIAN and DIPA start meeting everyday and AVIAN started falling for her in mysterious way, AVIAN saved his pocket money and brought gifts for DIPA. Though, FEBUARY is the VALENTINE’s month and already the VALENTINE’s week had started, he gave his 200% to impressed DIPA for any cause and on the hand, DIPA was famous and everyone was talking about DIPA and AVIAN. DIPA was enjoying her popularity.
In the promise day, AVIAN woke up very early and text DIPA to meet her before class, DIPA was quite happy and say yes, I will meet you, okay! They met and started a conversation…
AVAIN: Thank you so much for coming!
DIPA: How dare I don’t? I have to come, Yeah!
AVIAN:Thats sweet of you.
DIPA: So, say what do you want to say?
AVAIN: Yes, today’s the PROMISE DAY, right?
DIPA: Yes,say.
AVIAN: Um! I want to promise something.
DIPA: Yes!
AVIAN: Well, I promise, I never leave you alone in any condition.
DIPA: Oh my GOD! Seriously, thank you!
AVAIN gave her some chocolates and DIPA left for the class, AVAIN got happy and went to bed ’cause he didn’t even sleep the previous night for making something special for DIPA.
AVIAN had a mystery room which was found by him near the college and that room was not in used. So, he set up a very good atmosphere inside the room on the occasion of VALENTINE’s DAY for DIPA. AVIAN was confident about his work and himself.
NEXT DAY, AVIAN proposed DIPA in front of other students in the canteen and DIPA accepted his proposal. AVIAN lifted her up in the air and said…

AVIAN: You know, today’s the PROPOSE DAY?
DIPA: Yes, And you’ve planned to proposed me, nuh!
AVAIN: Yes, I Have.
Everyone was talking about AVIAN and DIPA, especially girls who liked AVIAN, They got a little heart attack and DIPA was the reason behind. Every girl used to followed DIPA’s glamour and style. And, eventually, They were the fan of DIPA ’cause she stole AVIAN.
DIPA was enjoying the popularity among the students at the most.
On the other hand, AVIAN was very serious about DIPA.
Finally, the VALLENTINE’s DAY came and AVIAN took DIPA with him in the mystery room and there DIPA saw the real AVIAN and his affection for her.
The whole room was filled with DIPA’s pictures, those had been captured by AVIAN secretly.

DIPA got amazed and hug him with tears in her eyes and said sorry to AVIAN.
After, DIPA said sorry to AVIAN, you all eager to know what happened next, why she said sorry to AVIAN. Here’s the conversation between them.
DIPA: I am sorry AVIAN.
AVIAN: Huh?why you said sorry?
DIPA: because, I used you.
AVIN: What? Say clearly.
DIPA: When I was new at College, I came to know that you’re the most wanted and popular guy in the College and to make all girl jealous and make myself famous among everyone. I used your company to being famous.
AVIAN: And, what about the love?
DIPA: I like you but I don’t have that kinda feeling, I like your personality and popularity only. And, I don’t know what is love.
AVAIN: So, that means everything was planned from first meet.
DIPA: Kinda yes, I know you didn’t submitted your Biology practical and someone told me when you are working on something, you don’t use to talk with anyone. And, I got the advantage from this and entered the lab when you are working on and yes everything was planned.
AVIAN:Yes! So, finally you are succeeded in what you have thought. You’re kinda popular in the College. But, why you’ve shared this shit things to me?
DIPA: Cause, A person like you and pure heart deserve to know the truth, you know.
AVAIN: Oh! please.
DIPA: Say.
AVIAN: Don’t worry, I do not break your so called earned popularity. I will make you more popular than this.
DIPA: You want to reveal everything?
AVIAN: Just wait and watch.

After having a long conversation,
AVIAN left the place and viral a rumour that DIPA dumb AVIAN and everyone was shocked and DIPA got more publicity through this and AVIAN losted his DUDE personality and next day DIPA came to knew that AVIAN left the College.
And, DIPA got shocked and hyper and ask his friends, why he left? and they answered We guessed because of you, you dumb him thats why.
After hearing this stuffs, DIPA cried out loud and she fell herself that she loves AVIAN. And, tried to contact him but it was not reachable.
DIPA got depressed and feeling alone without AVIAN.

2 years later,
DIPA completed her GRADUATION and her family wanted her to get married but she disagree to them because she wanted to work for herself as a writer, she wanted to publish a book about her life from when she met AVIAN and how they separated.
DIPA’S MOM allowed her but in one condition if she would marry after then. DIPA agreed and next day, AN ENGINEER came from a rich family, his name was KARAN, he was good looking but as usual ENGINEERS are boring. KARAN liked DIPA, Her family also liked KARAN. So, DIPA accepted the marriage proposal of KARAN.
KARAN wanted to meet DIPA alone to know more about DIPA.
KARAN set up a date, DIPA came with wearing a beautiful dress and KARAN was completely hypnotised in DIPA’S beauty, KARAN started the conversation with a big compliment.
KARAN:WOW! you’re looking damn beautiful.
DIPA: Thank you!
KARAN: I have to say that you have to control in your diet, I want you to look slim in our marriage day.
DIPA was uncomfortable talking with KARAN and start missing AVIAN. She didn’t even reply to KARAN and then KARAN eventually asked DIPA about her love life.
KARAN:Well, I did not have any ex relationship. Did you have?
DIPA: Yes!
KARAN:Oh my GOD! Are you virgin?
DIPA: Huh? I am…
KARAN: then, its fine.
DIPA was shocked and wanted to go home immediately and without having the dinner, she went to home.
DIPA told everything to her MOM about the date and beg her MOM that not to get marry this guy.
BUT, her MOM refused her decision and fixed the date of marriage ceremony.
DIPA went for the shopping with KARAN in the market, KARAN gifted her a luxury ring worth RS.50, 000 and some wedding particulars.
They came back to home late night and DIPA set down to the study table for the final touch of her book but in the mean time, the ink of the printer had finished and she had gone to the local store but in the same time, A full speed car came across DIPA and caught her and kept into the car.
She was screaming like hell but no one seemed to care, no one informed the police and though the boys were drunk, they raped her inside the Car and thrown her into the forest.
And, when a forester saw a lady was lying there, he checked the pockets of DIPA where he got her ID and immediately informed her parents and when they got to know about DIPA, They came and when they saw the condition of DIPA, DIPA’S MOM started crying and trying to woke DIPA up.
But, DIPA was almost died only her breathe was running, her body parts were not in sense.
They admitted DIPA into the hospital but the doctor didn’t allow DIPA for treatment because it was a police case, And on the other hand, DIPA needed a operation immediately.
Her mom was crying like hell and beg to the doctor.
And, In the mean time some boys came and pushed the DIPA’s bed and ran while DIPA was alone in the room. They kept DIPA into AN AMBULANCE and took her into underground for treatment.
And, the one whom she she played a game with and showed her fake love in her college days was back in action, AVAIN.
He was also in the AMBULANCE as a doctor. He gave a treatment to DIPA for more than 14 hours and when she opened her eyes, he informed DIPA’S parents. Her MOM came and hug DIPA and said if he was not here to saved you then what was happened, DIPA replied with tears,..
DIPA: who saved me?
DIPA : Huh! where is he?
MOM: He went to police station.
DIPA: why?
MOM: BECAUSE, he illegally did your operation.
Then after, DIPA told everything about AVIAN.
KARAN came to see DIPA and when he got to know that DIPA was raped, he refused to marry her.
Then, DIPA was alone, her mother cried over her condition.
On the other hand, AVIAN looked after DIPA but he didn’t talk to her.
when AVIAN entered DIPA’S ROOM with the supper because the nurse was not available at the time.
AVIAN waked up DIPA and started chatting with her after 2 years….
AVIAN:hey! get up…
DIPA: Who? oh! AVIAN.
DIPA: SORRY! you got problems because of me.
AVIAN: Its my duty.
DIPA:MOM told me while not a single doctor agree to give me a treatment, you were the only doctor stood up and look after me.
DIPA:but, why?
AVIAN: Its my duty.
DIPA:The other doctors have also the duty, but they refused and you gave me a treatment in underground.
DIPA:Why you did this?
AVIAN:This is my duty to save you.
DIPA: I hurted you before and you helped me out, why?
AVIAN:Because, I promised you something in the promise day, remember? I promised you to never leave you alone in any condition.
DIPA:Oh my GOD! but you left the college for me.
AVIAN: No! because of my father, he got a very loss in the business, so we had to left the place.
DIPA:God is God, he never shows how great he is…
DIPA:And, I was insane.
After having a emotional conversation, she hug him, In the same time her mom entered the room and AVIAN left the room. Her mom started a conversation with DIPA.
MOM: The boys who raped you are kept in the jail and when you recovered from this condition, you can punish them.
DIPA: Yes, MOM! Now, I am pretty relaxed.
MOM: Yes! Do you know KARAN and his parents came to our home and KARAN refused to marry you.
DIPA: I knew that, mom!
MOM: how?
DIPA: KARAN came to see me yesterday and took his ring with him by saying I am no more eligible to marry him.
MOM: Yes! NOW, who will marry you?
DIPA: Don’t worry MOM! (with tears on her eyes)
In the same time, AVIAN entered the room and said I will marry DIPA. DIPA got shocked and said…
DIPA: But, why?
AVIAN(Replied with tears): because I never break promises and damn I LOVE YOU.
DIPA (got tears on her eyes too) :I LOVE YOU TOO AVIAN. But, I was raped and not deserving such a guy like you. And, I hurt you last time.
AVIAN: So what if you were raped? In this world, if a girl was raped then society doesn’t accept that girl and that girl is no more eligible to marry someone.I am against of this society. If today, I left you in this condition after loving you so much. I myself let me down and with my due respect I want to marry you, DIPA.
DIPA: But, I have nothing to give you, AVIAN.
AVIAN: I don’t expect anything from anyone. In my life, I never tried to love another girl after you and this shows my amour towards you and If you truely love me then we can live through this affection.
MOM: Say yes to him, DIPA. This is the Billeted of GOD.
DIPA: If your parents accept me then I will give you myself and my whole life to you and I’ll love you till the last breathe of my life.
Then after, DIPA had recovered, AVIAN’S PARENTS met DIPA and accepted her after a very emotional conversation between AVIAN and his parents where AVIAN gave his 200% to convince his parents to accept DIPA as his wife. AVIAN clearly explained that DIPA was raped and He loves DIPA since college days…
AVIAN and DIPA got married and they have started living a beautiful life after then.

WRITTEN BY- lover a true lover
