army man's story

Well this is a story that I would believe it could happen to me. I'm in the Navy and the command I’m at is depressing. I hate it here. This is a place where everyone always got to worry about what you're doing or who you're dating or hanging out with.I talk to some of the females on the ship but none of them interest me at all. Some of them are nice looking but I was looking for that one female that stood out and was different. So one day I meet this girl name Cammera Sexton and she was so cute to me but that wasn’t what attracted me. It was her soul it was so pure to me and that was the kind of girl I wanted. So I started talking to her and we became close really quick and everyone started to talk about us but we didn’t care. Week by week we became closer but she was going to leave this command because she was married and she wanted to be with her husband and I respected that about her she was faithful. All I wanted from her is her friendship nothing more nothing less. She started to mean the world to me and feeling started to grow for her. I would do just about anything for that girl and I couldn’t say that about a lot of girls I’ve met in my life. She was special to me. Then she started hanging out with this guy name Lee. I'm not a jealous person and we were only friends so it didn’t bother me. We all started to hanging out with each other and everything was cool. Then she started paying him more attention instead of me and I know that’s childish but when you have feeling for someone it doesn’t matter. He then became the person she confided in and I felt that I was pushed to the side and became that third wheel on a bike and everyone knows that the third wheel isn’t needed unless your like 3 years old a tri cycle. But I still hung out with them and we went drinking one night and had the time of our lives. The next morning I came into the room and they had been talking about me and I don’t get that feeling all the time you know but I played it off and didn’t say anything. We had planned to go to the movies the day before and that was cool. I felt that her and I was starting to fall off and fast. SO they left the ship and went out to the movies. I had a feeling they had left me intentionally but I didn’t know for sure so I went out to the movies along. I get my ticket and walk into the theater and guess who I see of all people. Those two Cammie and Lee sitting there by each other. I didn’t know how to say hello or what to say to her and him I was so hurt at the moment because I felt like they didn’t want to hang with me for some reason I don’t know. So I said "what’s up guys" which I never say if you knew me. But I felt so betrayed at that moment and replaced. I felt heartbreak for the first time and let me tell you I don’t feel good I know that for sure. I thought I wanted a women like her and maybe I do. I then go find a good friend of mine name Lacy and he helps me heal the first stage of heart break that’s why he's my good friend now. I was falling head over heels in love but then I was knocked down so quick it shocked me. I guess every person has the feel this once in his life and it was just my time huh.
